Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chrissy's birthday card

Chrissy's birthday card by Pauliboo
Chrissy's birthday card, a photo by Pauliboo on Flickr.

Last week I used my new sunflower die to make this lovely birthday card for Chrissy. Learned everything I know about card making from my sister Bonita and her scrapping buddies who are now some wonderful new friends to me. Hugs go out to Donna and Tracey and Carol. Check out Trace and her weekly challlenges at Simon Says. Her works are amazing! Hope you're having a great day.

My scrapping place

My scrapping place by Pauliboo
My scrapping place, a photo by Pauliboo on Flickr.

Love my little scrapping corner. Desk from IKEA. Let my creative juices flow!

My crafting room

My crafting room by Pauliboo
My crafting room, a photo by Pauliboo on Flickr.

My hubby bought me some great storage furniture from IKEA for all my scrapping tools and paper. I love that guy!
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Monday, August 9, 2010


So, our little Dexter didn't decide to come out last night or today.
Think of all the forms you fill out in a lifetime. He could of made it easy on himself, had he come out today. Birthdate...8/9/10.

So, I'm leaving work now to go finish off his little mobile for above his bed. His room is all decorated in a "Space" theme.

And that's the Bosch Buzz.


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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Waiting for Dexter

So our third grandchild is expected anytime now, maybe tonight he will decide to come out. Not that any of us remember our exit from the womb, but what's he waiting for? Is a mother not so connected to her child that her thoughts are felt by the child and he just knows that she wants him to leave the warm and safe environment he is in. Does he hear his siblings every day and thinks to himself "I'm safer inside"? Who decides the hour? God, the mother or the baby? I hope they all get together and make a plan soon because the excitement is growing and I just want to see him now! Full moon was suppose to help..nada. Due date came and went...nada.

It's like the old TV commercial where the Heinz ketchup is suppose to come out but you have to wait for it...wait for it. We all know what we do when the ketchup doesn't pour out as fast as we'd like it to, ya stick something into the bottle and pull it out. I'm not a fan of inducing labor, been there, done that, wasn't fun. Done the forceps too, not my idea of fun either.

I just need to know that all is OK with the little guy, that the delivery goes as it should and our daughter's labour is behind her and she is well. Selah came 5 weeks early, Dexter's going to take his time!

Sorry, it's the worrying Virgo in me, I can't help it.

Hopefully soon, I can blog about the wonderful day he arrived into our loving family's arms.

That's the Bosch Buzz for now.